

(See below for detailed regulations/rules)

Only one main prize will be awarded. However, the jury reserves the right – if no winner can be determined – to suspend the awarding of the European Bach Guitar Award 2022 and, if necessary, to divide the prize money among the finalists. The jury also reserves the right to decide whether the prize money is to be divided completely and in which way.

In the jury’s evaluation, the performances of Bach’s works will be given greater weighting than the rest of the program (rounds 2, 3 and 4).

Performance (in all rounds) with reading of the music score allowed.

The decisions of the jury are not subject to appeal.

The competition will take place in five phases.


Eligible are professional guitarists* from all nations of the world who were born after 1 January 1988 and have a permanent residence in a European country (within and outside the EU).

Participation Fee

120,00 EURO

Registration deadline

31. March 2022
limited to a maximum of 100 participants (according to date of receipt of registrations)

Timing of the competition

(see below for further details):

  1. until 1 May 2022: Video Round 1 (max. 100 participants)
    Three compulsory pieces by Bach
  2. until 15 July 2022: Video round 2 (15 participants)
    Program 15 to 20 minutes (with works by Bach + free program)
  3. 22 October 2022: SEMI-FINALE in Darmstadt with 6 participants
    Program 25 to 30 minutes (with works by Bach plus free program)
  4. 23 October 2022: FINALE in Darmstadt with 3 participants
    Program 40 to 45 minutes (with works by Bach as well as free program)

In the competition rounds 2 to 4 the given time limits must be observed. A participant’s time starts from the first note played until the end of the performance. Exceeding or falling short of the time limit may lead to disqualification.

When submitting the competition programmes, the works and individual movements must be provided with exact time indications.

The performance programmes of the individual
competition phases:

During the entire competition (video rounds and live performance) it is allowed to read from the score. Sheet music may be used.

In the competition rounds 2 to 4 the given time limits must be observed. A participant’s time starts from their first note played until the end of their performance. Exceeding or falling short of the time limit may lead to disqualification.

The following Bach works – also in transpositions into other keys – are eligible for the competition (the arranger must be indicated!):
Lute works BWV 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1006a
Violin sonatas and partitas BWV 1001 to 1006
Chaconne from BWV 1004 (also considered a “complete” work)
Cello suites BWV 1007 to 1012
Flute Partita BWV 1013
French suites BWV 812-817
Piano Partitas BWV 825-830
Preludes + Fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier or another cycle.

In the performance of suite movements – except in the first video round – repetitions may be played or omitted as desired.

First Video round:

Three compulsory pieces (without repetitions):

  • Bach: Gavotte from the Suite in E major BWV 1006a
  • Bach: Sarabande from the Suite in E minor BWV 996
  • Bach: Allegro from Prelude, Fugue and Allegro BWV 998
    or Prelude from Suite in E major BWV 1006a
    or Presto from Violin Sonata No. 1 BWV 1001
    or Allegro from Violin Sonata No. 2 BWV 1003
    or Gigue from Violin Partita No. 2 BWV 1004
    or Allegro assai from Violin Sonata No. 3 BWV 1005

Second Video round: 15-20 minutes

  • at least 10 minutes with works by Bach (including one movement from a suite/partita)
  • at least 5 minutes with works from the classical, romantic, modern or contemporary eras
    (no Renaissance or Baroque music).
  • Individual movements from larger works may also be played.
    (in the case of larger variation cycles, the theme and individual variations may also be played).
  • The compulsory pieces from the 1st video round may not be played.

SEMIFINAL: 25-30 minutes

Works from the 1st and 2nd video rounds may be played.

  • 17-23 minutes with works by Bach
    (individual movements may be performed from a maximum of three different cycles).
  • at least 7 minutes with works from all epochs except Baroque
    (in the case of larger cycles of variations, the theme and individual variations may also be played).
    Individual movements from larger works may also be played.

FINAL: 40-45 minutes

  • No works from the semifinals may be played.
  • Works from the 1st and 2nd video rounds are possible, provided they were not played in the semifinal.
  • 24-30 minutes with works by Bach, including a complete suite, sonata or partita. (for clarification, updated August 2022: also accepted is the Chaconne BWV 1004 and PFA BWV 998, but not BWV 999 + BWV 1000 or any Prelude + Fugue from WTK). Furthermore, individual Bach movements from a maximum of two different cycles – any work from the repertoire list – may be performed, or another complete work.
  • At least 15 minutes with works from all epochs except Baroque. In addition to Bach’s works, music from only one epoch may be chosen (even one ore more of the obliged contemporary pieces of the repertoire list below). Individual movements from larger works may also be played (in the case of larger variation cycles, the theme + individual variations may also be played).

However, this “free“ repertoire must include at least one of the following modern-contemporary works:

Elliot Carter: Shard
Leo Brouwer: La Espiral Eterna, Canticum, Tarantos, Parabola, Hika,
Leo Brouwer: Sonatas No. 2 – 6 (individual movements from these are also possible)
Hans Werner Henze: Royal Winter Music I + II (single movements possible)
Richard Rodney Bennett: 5 Impromptus (at least 3 single movements possible)
Ernst Krenek: Suite
Luciano Berio: Sequenza XI
Gilardino: Studio No. 1 and/or No. 32
Toru Takemitsu: Equinox, Folios (single movements possible), In the Woods (single movements possible)
Maurice Ohana: Tiento, Si le jour paraît… (single movements possible), Cadran lunaire (single movements possible)
Magnus Lindberg: Mano a Mano
Tristan Murail: Tellur
Reginald Smith-Brindle: El Polifemo de Oro
Brian Ferneyhough: Kurze Schatten II (single movements possible)
Uroš Rojko: Chiton
Maurizio Pisati: Sette Studi (at least 2 single movements possible)
Brett Dean: Three Caprichos after Goya
Julian Anderson: Catalan Peasant with Guitar
Cristóbal Halffter: Codex I
André Jolivet: Deux Etudes de Concert
Gottfredo Petrassi: Nunc, Suoni Notturni

The 5 phases of the competition – Procedure

Phase 1 – Registration

(until 31 March 2022)

  1. A written registration by e-mail must be received by the competition management by 31 March at the latest. Please download the Registration form.pdf, (also downloadable in the menu “downloads“), fill it in completely and sign it. Then scan it and send it back as a PDF file (not as a jpg) to
  2. The registration is considered valid if the criteria (see “Eligibility”) are met and the registration fee of 120,00 Euro has been transferred. Please enclose proof of payment.The candidate transfers a generally non-refundable participation fee of 120.00 Euro to the following account of the “Darmstädter Gitarrentage e. V.”:

    Sparkasse Darmstadt
    IBAN: DE80 5085 0150 0008 0126 52

    Possible transfer fees will be charged to the paying participant.

    When making a bank transfer, please be sure to state the keyword “European Bach Guitar Award 2022” and the full name of the candidate. After receipt of payment a confirmation will be sent by e-mail. The fee is not refundable in case of later cancellation. If the competition cannot be held by the organiser, the fee will be refunded.

  3. Together with the application, a photo of the candidate (preferably with guitar) must be attached as a JPG.
  4. A copy of a valid identity card or passport must be enclosed with the application.
  5. A curriculum vitae in German or English (WORD file).
  6. The complete program of the two video rounds must be submitted as a simple WORD-DOCUMENT (not PDF!!) with exact details:
    • Composers with dates of birth and death
    • pieces (+ exact names of the individual movements)
    • in the case of works by Bach and other transcriptions, be sure to indicate the arranger
    • each movement/piece with exact time indications

IMPORTANT: The program cannot be changed later!

Phase 2 – Video round 1

(until 1 May 2022)

By 1 May 2022, the candidate shall post a public music video with the three compulsory pieces on Youtube.
Title 1: European Bach Guitar Award 2022 – First round
Title 2: Name of the candidate

Below please enter the compulsory program + arranger (for important details on the program see above at “The performance programmes of the individual competition phases”).

All comment function must be deactivated from the time of posting on Youtube.

Important: As proof, the following sign “European Bach Guitar Award 2022” must be displayed in the video next to/before the player’s chair. It is UNCONDITIONAL to use the corresponding printout, which can be found as a downloadable-PDF from 15 January 2022 on (you also can find it in the menu “Downloads“).

Signs created by the contestant are invalid and can lead to disqualification.

At the same time the candidate sends the link of the video by e-mail to:

Here are 5 more very importsnt points about the video:

  1. The recording must have been made between 1 February 2022 and 1 May 2022.
    IMPORTANT: Videos submitted later will result in disqualification.
  2. The following image border limitations for the camera setting:
    Picture detail: upper picture edge = head
    Frame: lower frame = feet
  3. Only one camera angle during a movement/piece, no cuts or cross-fades within a movement.
  4. The film recording must not be a post-synchronisation of a previously made audio recording, but shows the guitarist 1:1 live.
  5. Cuts are permitted
    a) between independent works and
    b) between the movements of a coherent work or cycle
    (suite/sonata/preludes/etudes, but not within a variation work).

By 1 June 2022, the 15 candidates qualified for the second video round will be announced on the homepage and also informed by e-mail.

Phase 3 – Video round 2

(until 15 July 2022)

By 15 July 2022, the candidate will post a public music video with the programme of the second video round on Youtube.
Title 1: European Bach Guitar Award 2022 – second round
Title 2: Name of the candidate

Below please enter the exact programme (+ editor)
(for important details on the program see above at “The programmes of the individual competition phases”)

All comment function must be deactivated from the time of posting on Youtube.

Important: As proof, the following sign “European Bach Guitar Award 2022” must be displayed in the video next to/before the player’s chair. It is UNCONDITIONAL to use the corresponding printout, which can be found as a downloadable-PDF from 15 January 2022 on (you also can find it in the menu “Downloads“).

Signs created by the contestant are invalid and can lead to disqualification.

At the same time the candidate sends the link of the video by e-mail to:

Here are 5 more very important points about the video:
1)The recording of the 2nd video round must have been made between 1 February 2022 and 15 July 2022. For the rest the same recording rules apply as in video round 1.
(see above in Phase 2 “5 other very important points”).

By 1 September 2022, the candidates qualified for the semifinals will be announced on the homepage and also informed by e-mail.
The candidates in places 7 to 10 will also be informed by e-mail and will receive a refund of their participation fee.

Phase 4 – Registration for the Semifinal

(until 10 September 2022)

By 10 September 2022, each of the 6 selected semi-finalists will send the performance programmes for the semi-final and the final by e-mail as a simple WORD document (no PDF!!!) to the competition management. Programmes submitted after 10 September will result in disqualification.

For important details on the program, see above at “The programmes of the individual competition phases”.

  • The program must contain the complete names of the composers with dates of birth and death.
  • The main works and individual movements must be indicated with their duration.
  • For the works by Johann Seb. Bach, the arranger must be indicated. In the case of transcriptions of works by other composers, the arranger must also be indicated.

Phase 5 – Semifinal / Final

(22.+ 23 October 2022)

On 22 and 23 October 2022, both final rounds will take place as public auditions in the Petersen Hall of the Akademie für Tonkunst in Darmstadt. The last two rounds can be livestreamed online on Youtube or another electronic medium and posted there later.

SEMIFINALE – Saturday, 22.10.2022
Candidates 1, 2 and 3: 11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
Candidates 4, 5 and 6: 2.30 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.

For important details on the program, see above at “The programmes of the individual competition phases”.

After the jury has deliberated, the three finalists will be announced at 5.00 p.m. The order of the candidates in places 4 to 6 will remain secret and will only be announced at the awards on Sunday. The order for the final will be decided by lot.

FINAL – Sunday, 23 October 2022
Candidates 1, 2 and 3: 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.

For important details on the program, see above at “The performance programmes of the individual competition phases”.

At 8.00 p.m. the ceremonial presentation of the prizes to all 6 participants will take place. Representing the Minister President of the State of Hessen, a ministerial envoy will present the prizes and, of course, the main prize to the winner of the “1st European Bach Guitar Award”. Following the award ceremony, the winner will perform a short excerpt of his semifinal/final program (approx. 10-15 minutes).


§ 1: The number of participants in the European Bach Guitar Award (hereafter EBGA) is limited to 100. Eligible are professional guitarists* from all nations of the world who were born after 1 January 1988 and have a permanent residence in a European country (within and outside the EU).

§ 2: The participation fee of 120.- EURO will not be refunded, regardless of why the candidate does not participate.

§ 3: The competition will be held in 4 rounds (2 video rounds, 2 public rounds in front of the audience). Semifinals/Finals can be livestreamed online and posted there (e. g. on Youtube) later.

§ 4: In the evaluation by the jury, the performance of Bach’s works will receive a stronger weighting compared to the rest of the programme (rounds 2 to 4).

§ 5: Performers may read from sheet music, i.e. it does NOT have to be performed from memory. This applies to all 4 competition rounds.

§ 6: The compulsory pieces may not be played in the second video round. It is allowed to use the repertoire of both video rounds again for the semifinals/finals. However, no pieces from the semifinals may be played in the final round.

§ 7: If the time limit is exceeded or not reached in the second video round, this may lead to disqualification. One minute serves as a guideline here.

§ 8: In the public rounds, if the time limit is exceeded, the presentation will be interrupted by the chairman of the jury. If the programme is too short, exceeding the time limit by more than one minute will lead to disqualification.

§ 9: 15 candidates will be admitted to the second video round. In exceptional cases, a maximum of two additional candidates will be selected. For the semi-final 6 candidates will be invited. The final will be contested by 3 candidates.

§ 10: Scoring will be by points, 0-25 in the first round, from the second video round onwards the range of points awarded will be reduced (e. g. 17-25).

§ 11: The highest and lowest scores will be eliminated, the average of the remaining scores will be the total score.

§ 12. In the event of a tie, all scores shall be taken into account.

§ 13: The score shall be calculated to the second decimal place.

§ 14: No juror may evaluate his/her own students.

§ 15: The jury may not be changed while a round is taking place.

§ 16: The first prize may not be shared.

§ 17: If the first prize is not awarded, the second prize may be shared. If the second prize is not awarded, the third prize may be shared.

§ 18: If the first and second prizes are not awarded, the jury may award the third prize twice.

§ 19: The Audience Prize will only be awarded for the final round.

§ 20: All jury members are bound to secrecy.

§ 21: All decisions of the jury shall be made by majority vote.

§ 22: The decision of the jury is not contestable.

§ 23: All candidates in the semi-final agree to be present at the award ceremony.

§ 24: The prizes will be paid gross by bank transfer. For candidates whose primary residence is not in Germany, 15% foreign tax will be withheld. Any fees incurred for the transfer of prize money shall be borne by the recipient.

§ 25: Candidates placed 7th to 10th will have their registration fee refunded.

§ 26: The price winner concerts of the EBGA are without guarantee. Although the organisers have given their commitment, this remains subject to change. The organiser of the EBGA is not liable to recourse in the event that the concert organisers fail to keep their promise. The commitment to the CD production with NAXOS – which is almost completely financed by the EBGA – also remains conditional. If NAXOS does not keep its promise, the organiser of the EBGA is not liable to recourse.

§ 27: The regulations and statutes of the competition will be published in two languages. The translation into English has been done to the best of our ability. However, only the German version is legally binding.